How can you not help but feel this way?! Immediately, my mind went to what did I do wrong? Did I do something to make this happen? I was dealing with some major stress factors prior to my diagnosis, so maybe my stress caused the cancer to flare up? I thought I was eating pretty healthy foods and working out consistently, but maybe I wasn’t doing the right things after all? Maybe I should have been eating vegan or paleo? Did my beauty products, like my makeup or deodorant, cause my cancer? Etc. etc…
I finally told myself to STOP thinking about the why and focus on the what now? What’s done is done. I can only go forward now and focus on getting through this the best way possible. Maybe there was nothing I could have done to prevent this?! Maybe this was going to happen if not at that moment, then maybe later in my life?
Don’t blame yourself and please don’t let anyone make you feel like you caused this or you did something wrong! Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. Cancer is a disease caused by genetic changes leading to uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation. About 1.9 million people will get cancer in 2020 and most had no control over it… and neither did you!