It can be quite a shock to get any cancer diagnosis. Your doctors will want to act quickly, schedule many tests and numerous appointments with different doctors all within a two week period. It is overwhelming and difficult to comprehend what is even happening. I think it’s important to remember, YOU are still in control here. Yes, they are wanting to move as fast as possible because it is in your best interest to find out what kind of breast cancer you have, how big the tumor is, has it spread and what stage are you? However, once you have completed this whirlwind of appointments, you have the right to ask for a few days to really process and think it over. Make your decisions and ask others who have gone through this for their advice.

I remember my oncologist telling me I needed to start chemo right away. Well, that didn’t work for my life at the time, so I asked if I could start in one month. She was willing and accommodated my request. It was good to slow things down for just a few moments and then mentally prepare myself for what was to come. If you are unsure, get a second or third opinion. Hearing another doctor tell you the exact same thing as what your current doctor recommends is comforting. Asking other survivors, what they did is also reassuring. Take that time to do your research (not on goggle) and breathe!

What you are going through is life changing! You can’t rush these big decisions sometimes, but decisions must be made in a reasonable time frame. It’s really for your best interest and health. I’m here if I can help you or I have many many friends who have been there and can help as well! Together we can support each other and always remember, you are not alone!!!
