Losing My Hair Was So Difficult!

I remember when my oncologist said I needed chemo, the first question I asked was, “Will I lose my hair?” It may seem shallow to some. You would think I would be more concerned with “killing the cancer” or getting sick from the side effects, but no, I knew that would forever change my life.

You see, at the time my acting career was really gaining momentum. You have to stay active auditioning and taking acting classes to even be noticed in the acting world. I loved it and was enjoying “playing” and acting in different commercial roles. Instead I had to take an extended break from auditioning and face the year I had ahead. I had 12 weeks of chemo and made it half way through and then I woke up with clumps of hair on my pillow. Every time I showered it looked like a small mouse had appeared in the drain. It’s very disturbing and after a week I could take no more. I put on my brave face and asked my husband to shave my head. He did along with his own in support of the hell I was living. He looked much better than I did.

The real upsetting part is when you lose your eyelashes and eyebrows. Now I really looked like a cancer patient even though I felt pretty well. There was no hiding it. I tried to audition a few times with a wig, drawn in eyebrows and fake eyelashes. Let’s just say, auditioning without those things is difficult enough! Auditioning with those things was nearly impossible.. I was so worried I looked strange and if my wig had shifted I could barely focus on anything else.

Amazingly enough, it feels like ages ago, and I have so much hair again. I want to celebrate everyday! I never have “bad hair days” anymore. I have not been auditioning and who knows if I ever will again. You just never know what the future holds so I just take one day at a time now!

Stay well my friends!!!


A rare photo of me with no hair.

A rare photo of me with no hair.