To a cancer patient staying indoors for weeks, avoiding sick people, shopping online, avoiding large crowds is all too familiar. I know for my family this has been a difficult transition, for me it has been an easier adjustment because I did it for months at a time for over a year. Here’s a few tips that might help get you through.
Stay Connected. Reach out to your family and friends, send an email or text and even better give them a call!
Have a Routine. Get up at a similar time you would for work, get dressed, schedule something productive to do if you are not working from home.
Move! Go for a walk, do a home workout video (maybe try one of mine) be as active as possible. Now is a great time to get in extra long workouts and get in the best shape of your life!
Accomplish one thing each day. Cook dinner, write a card or letter, call someone, clean a closet or drawer, any task will do.
Be Grateful. List three things you are grateful for, talk about them at dinner, start a gratitude journal. Even in the darkest times you can find so many things to be thankful for!
I hope these can help you and remember I am always here if you need. Stay safe, happy and healthy!
Me and my dog, Sammy. He was always by my side then and now!