It's YOUR Body and YOUR Decision!
I think it’s important to remember in the beginning stages, after you are diagnosed, you are meeting with numerous doctors and will be getting a number of opinions (both professional and not) as well. Once the news of your cancer diagnosis spreads, you will hear from Aunt Suzy Q and that friend from elementary school, who have their own ideas of what you should do! Now, while Aunt Suzy Q has good intentions, her bladder cancer is not the same as your breast cancer. Your best friends neighbor’s uncle who had leukemia as a child is not the same as your breast cancer either! You get the idea!
I was told to, “do the chemo, don’t do the chemo, juice the cancer away, imagine the cancer leaving your body,” etc. etc. Ultimately, you must step back from all of this friendly advice and make the best decision for the one and only YOU! I had a double mastectomy while others chose a lumpectomy. I chose to do chemo and avoid radiation, others only did radiation. We are all different and our diagnoses are all different based on our stage, our age, size of tumor, hormone receptors, just to name a few, all play a big part in our choices.
It’s your life and you have the power to say yes or no. Get a second or third opinion if necessary. Make your decisions based on what feels best and what gives you the best quality of life!
Stay well my friends!!