Why did I choose to be known as the (Pink) Survivor?
I could have been the Pink Thriver, the Pink Fighter, the Pink Sister, I had many words to choose from. Once I had completed all of my treatments, I immediately considered myself to be a survivor, the Pink Survivor.
I considered myself mostly a survivor because I had so many moments when I wasn’t sure I would survive. At first when you hear the words, “You Have Cancer,” the possibility that you could die slaps you in the face. Eventually, you come back to your senses and accept the excruciating idea to have surgery to remove both of your breasts, and a year of pumping medication and poison into your veins. You begin to question if you will actually survive all of this, not only physically but emotionally!
My initial mammogram was in January of 2017 and I completed my last infusion in June of 2018.
I was finally done. I had two surgeries in that time as well and I was mentally exhausted from the past 18 months. I had very little hair and very little direction as to what my life would look like now, but
I had survived!!
I was then and am still now the Pink Survivor!!